Fed up with turning up at your local venue, only to find your favourite pool is reserved for a match? Then head to these competition-free waters and such frustrations will be a thing of the past...
Monk Lakes, Marden, Kent
Bridges is one of the venue’s specimen lakes, and while fish to over 25lb can be banked on boilies and wafters, there are also plenty of silverfish to target for those wanting to use lighter tackle. Pole fishing at 13m with expanders over micros and groundbait will attract skimmers to 3lb, but a small Method feeder dropped over the same zone will be equally as prolific.
Contact: 01622 833332 or www.monklakes.co.uk

Partridge Lakes, Culceth, Cheshire
Tweed Lake can accommodate up to 15 anglers at a time, and every swim is within casting distance
of the central island. Depths from 5ft-7ft can be found down the track, and 2ft-3ft tight to features. Pole fishing with maggots practically guarantees a mixture of carp, F1s and silverfish. Turn to hard pellets to pick out the bigger carp that run to just shy of double figures.
Contact: 07950 057613 or www.partridgelakes.co.uk
Dents Farm, Hilgay, Norfolk
Kingfisher Pool is quite deep in open water, but shallow fishing and working the margins is the best way to attract plenty of bites now that warmer days are with us. F1s to 4lb, carp to 8lb and quality skimmers can be banked, and expander pellets and corn hookbaits work well. Feed micros in small nuggets so that they all get to the bottom.
Contact: 07979 954354 or www.dentsfarmhilgay.co.uk
Viaduct Fishery, Somerton, Somerset
The carp have grown so big in Cary that matches are no longer staged on it – mirrors and commons to over 20lb are now present. Pole fishing with hard 8mm pellets will help you find these, but paste or corn are more reliable baits if you fancy getting among the vast shoals of skimmers and tench.
Contact: 01458 274022 or www.viaductfishery.com
The Oaks, Sessay, N.Yorks
Firs, Oaks and Willows are used for silverfish matches in winter, but are reserved solely for pleasure anglers in spring and summer. All three are packed with features, and fishing close to them with bright boilies or large hard pellets will help you draw in carp running to double figures.
Contact: 01845 501321 or www.theoakslakes.co.uk

Whitmore Fisheries, Preston, Lancs
Shallow fishing into the open water or presenting a small feeder tight to the island will get you plenty
of bites from a range of species, with individual fish running up to 4lb. You can expect to encounter small carp, bream and roach, but there’s also a good sprinkling of brightly-coloured ornamental fish which have been stocked to provide something that bit different. Pellets, corn and maggots are the top three baits.
Contact: 01253 836224 or www.whitmorefisheries.co.uk
Aston Park, Sheffield, S.Yorks
Eliysia’s Lake has been built exclusively for pleasure fishing and coaching, with excellent all-round access. There are 20 swims, with pegs 1-9 offering wheelchair access. Fishing to the far bank with a Method feeder will produce lots of small carp and F1s from here, while the same tactics towards the island from pegs 10-20 will prove equally effective.
Contact: 07743 845737 or www.astonparkfisheries.co.uk
Woodside Fishery, Cleobury Mortimer, Shropshire
This tranquil fishery has three lakes that are currently open, and it is Charlie’s Pool that never sees any match action. Stocked with lots of carp in the 1lb-4lb bracket, you’ll get bites all day if you rotate several pole lines. Start at 12m before coming in to 5m later in the day. A late surge down the margins is a near certainty at this time of year.
Contact: 07967 750580 or www.woodsidefishery.co.uk
Janson Fishery, Nottingham, Notts
Tomo’s Pool is a shallow lake, with depths ranging from 2ft-4ft, and 100lb of carp is by no means exceptional. Most swims have an element of cover, whether that be the central island or the sunken tree in the back channel. The fish range from 1lb up to 8lb, and you’ll get plenty of bites working with pellets on the long pole or on the Method feeder.
Contact: 07555 892127 or www.jansonfishery.co.uk

Rookery Waters, Pidley, Cambridgeshire
Rook is home to some of the biggest carp on the complex, with specimens to over 20lb present. Boilies alongside PVA bags will work for these fish, and using two rods in different areas will improve your chances. Jackdaw may be better suited to those accompanying a newcomer, who can target roach, bream, tench and small carp.
Contact: 07824 878492 or www.rookerywaters.co.uk
Raker Lakes, York, N.Yorks
Heron is a small lake that can cater for up to 10 anglers, the central island being the focal point. It can be reached with a pole on most swims, and regularly catapulting 4mm pellets and fishing either a 6mm expander or hard pellet on the hook will attract carp to 5lb. Fishing down the margins can be very productive too, particularly later in the session.
Contact: 01904 448793 or www.rakerlakes.com
Hallcroft Fishery, Retford, Nottinghamshire
The River Ponds were previously used for holding stock, but are now used purely for pleasure fishing. With an average depth of 3ft and a very high density of fish, they are perfect for children and beginners. They also offer more shelter than the main lakes and so are ideal for those blustery days. Maggots and pellets will catch carp, skimmers and roach.
Contact: 01777 719911 or www.hallcroftholidaypark.co.uk
Fields End Farm, Doddington, Cambridgeshire
The Pool is home to some impressive ide, fish over the 2lb mark not being uncommon.Fish maggots or casters shallow on the long pole and regularly lift and drop your rig to keep the hookbait on the move. Those who prefer to go in search of the carp will get bites on either a small Method feeder or the pole at 5m.
Contact: 01354 740199 or www.fieldsendwater.co.uk
Tylers Common, Brentwood, Essex
A Method Feeder or a straight lead with a PVA bag and boilie attack will bring a response from carp running to over 20lb on Willow Lake. Have one rod pinned close to an island, with the other down the margins. Sit well back from the edge to reduce the chances of spooking any fish that come close to the bank.
Contact: 01277 821342 or www.tylerscommonfishery.co.uk
Manor Farm Leisure, Evesham, Worcestershire
Bottom Pool is packed with skimmers, and 50lb-plus nets are always a possibility. Asmall cage feeder or the long pole with expander pellet hookbaits will bring plenty of bites from fish to 2lb. There is also a solid head of F1s and carp to 12lb. Fishing down the edge with corn or worms over groundbait will help to attract the bigger fish.
Contact: 01386 870039 or www.manorfarmleisure.co.uk

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