Great for match and pleasure anglers, F1s can provide reliable action all-year-round and are now present in venues across the country. Hard fighting, hungry but also very often crafty, these fish can keep anglers guessing, which makes catching them pretty enjoyable. Here are ten venues where a big net of these carp hybrids could be on the cards...
Lindholme Lakes, Epworth, North Lincolnshire
Laurels Lake is home to a great head of F1s. Maggots can be a great option, fished on the pole or in a feeder.
Contact: 01427 875555

Partridge Lakes, Warrington, Cheshire
Many of the best F1 anglers in the country have honed their skills at Partridge Lakes. Pole tactics dominate on the
snake lakes, using maggots and soft pellets.
Contact: 01925 767505
The Cunneries, Chorley, Lancashire
There are multiple lakes to choose from at this fantastic cold-water venue, where rotating swims can be key to keeping bites coming.
Contact: 01257 451461

Tunnel Barn Farm, Shrewley, Warwickshire
Fantastic match weights were seen at a recent festival here, with numerous anglers breaking the 100lb mark. There are some big F1s on offer, too.
Contact: 01926 842188
Lake Ross, Spalding, South Lincolnshire
This caravan park and fishery is known by locals for its excellent winter sport. While the pole dominates, waggler and bomb tactics can also produce.
Contact: 01775 761690

Birch House Lakes, Ashbourne, Derbyshire
Horseshoe Lake is home to a good head of F1s, and is also filled with plenty of features. Fish the pole, short and long, with maggots or pellets.
Contact: 07796 874058
Packington Somers Fishery, Coventry, West Midlands
You’ll find F1s in most the pools at this popular venue. The maggot feeder can be a great tactic in windier areas. Cast around to find the fish.
Contact: 01676 523833

Orchard Place Farm, Tonbridge, Kent
Head to Lake 6 – a six-acre water filled with fish. Even in cooler months, the margins can produce. Find slightly deeper water and rotate between each side.
Contact: 01892 939576
Royal Berkshire Fishery, Windsor, Berkshire
Lakes 2 and 3 are both worth trying. Pellet tactics produce, tapping in a few micros and fishing an expander over the top.
Contact: 07976 967976
Willinghurst Fishery, Guildford, Surrey
Horseshoe, New and John’s Match Lakes are all good options for a net of fish. Try maggots, and you’ll catch plenty of silvers before the F1s arrive.
Contact: 07774 188760